Monday, February 21, 2011

Fourth Art Project: Eygptian Culture

 As i explained in an earlier post, the art teacher required us to complete to art pieces revolving around a culture,and I chose Egypt. Here's the first artwork I did. It's all very meaningful- the eye in the middle is the eye of Horus, the sun-god, symbolizing wealth, power, prosperity, health, and happiness. The sun in the background symbolizes the same thing. The snake and vulture touching the eye symbolize Egypt itself, which use to be divided in half. I'm not existed with this artwork, but it does its job.

This second piece I like much, much better, in the first one I used paint, which was traditional to ancient Egypt. For this second one, I water-colored the paper to make it look old, then I inked in the rest. Free-handed it, too, which is why I accidentally drew the subject a little big and his legs got cut off. This work represents the death god, Anubis. Easy to guess his meaning.  This work contrasts my earlier one in both  symbolism and color, which I think is clever. The hieroglyphics at the top tell you how to mummify someone.

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